Went to Seward, Alaska to visit my brother Zo in June 2023.
Arrival at anchorage airport around 23:00.After one night in a hotel in Anchorage. The yellow hemisphere is the sun in the Anchorage Light Speed Planet Walk.Letter Ł used in the orthography of the Dena'ina language.On the shuttle down to Seward, along the silty Turnagain Arm.The highway runs parallel to the railroad.Alyeska Hwy.Arrival at the lodge.Big dropping by the river, maybe moose.Resurrection River.Bald eagle on the rocks.The KOA campground couldn't cut down this one tree because it has an eagle's nest.Reading .Entering downtown Seward.Boats in Resurrection Bay.Seward Mariners' Memorial.Tide lines.Barnacles.Sign at trailhead of Mount Marathon.Memorial to those who lost their lives in the Good Friday Earthquake of March 27th 1964.Exploring the woods with Zo.Big flat root structure upturned. The shallow root system may be characteristic of this biome.Maya the dog.Road up to Exit Glacier.Signs by the side of the road show where the glacier extended to in the past. 1899.Walking the dog by the river.This time of year, near the solstice, it stays light until very late. 22:42.23:16, still light enough to read outside.South end of Seward.Pride flag.Alaska SeaLife Center.Infrared camera in the SeaLife Center.Hexagrammos lagocephalus, alternative mascot for SEDES.Puffin in the outdoor bird enclosure.Cruise ship in the bay.Hike out to Tonsina Point.Maya dog.Salmon snagging in Resurrection Bay.Tour boat out to Fox Island.Live updating map of vessel locations. We are currently at a depth of 0.89 nanometers.The vessel's name Nunatuk on 2023-06-15, or "Bloom's Eve".Boat docked at Fox Island.Starfish skeleton.Went down the shore to draw and saw this otter carrying a flatfish out of the water.And this porcupine.Urchin skeleton.Porcupine at the lodge.Standing around chatting late into the night.Gearing up for sea kayaking.Two sit in each boat, both paddle, the one in the rear controls the rudder.View from the path on the island.Not even the top of the island.The ghost family that haunted the bedroom in the lodge.A rare totally clear day.Departing from Fox Island to continue the wildlife tour.Giving the bay a stern look.Back at Exit Glacier. Extent 1961.Extent 2005.We drank from this stream to absorb its vital juices.Picture taking post.N.NE.E.SE.S.SW.W.NW.Up.Positive Covid test.After a few days' miserable sickness in the hotel room, spending time in town before the train ride back.Baby salmon live here.Train depot in Seward.On this sharp turn you can see the train from the train.Back at the depot in Anchorage. This is like 21:00.