Wednesday 2025-02-05. Arrived shortly after noon, Lincoln was just getting blocked off.A big crowd, big enough that there were several discrete areas around different speakers.A nice day, perhaps a bit unseasonably warm for February."What God Asks: Act Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly. (Micah 6:8)"People inside the capitol building would peer down from the balconies and windows. Hard to say whether in sympathy or against.I went with two long marches on this day. This is walking west along 13th Avenue, underneath the art museum bridge.Coming back on 14th Avenue, the rear of the City and County building.Broadway devoid of traffic for blocks around.Here the actual jackboots made their appearance. This is on Colfax near I-25. Imagine: you're a baby, you grow up in love and wonder, you learn your ABCs, you take lessons from your teachers, you have all manner of experiences, and you do nothing more with your precious life than become one of these pieces of shit. A waste of human spirit.Auraria cops in on it as well. The North American porker is known to rub its nipples when agitated.You want to know who wants a riot, look for who came dressed for a riot.Speer devoid of traffic."My grandparents met as codebreakers in WWII. Anti-fascism is in my blood!"Facing east in the golden hour near sunset.Saturday 2025-02-08, rally and march against deportations.Lincoln again blocked off. Surprisingly a bit less of a crowd than Wednesday."What you do to others you do also to me. Mt 25:40."After the march, sun going down behind the Ponti building."Free Luigi.""Es mejor morir de pie que vivir de rodillas."Monday 2025-02-17, Not-My-Presidents Day. Cold today!Foggy and with some light snow flurries.Flag collection.Turned around at Curtis, by the Denver Center for the Performing Arts.Marching along 15th Street, light snow falling.After the march ended, the crowd started to thin out pretty fast. State Trooper CSP-278 tried to force some people on Lincoln to leave the street, but had to give up the attempt.Eat the rich❣