AVID camp 2009
Troop 171 hosted a campout for students of Lake Middle School September 18–20, 2009. I was there to help run the BB gun range.
Here's all the students at the flagpoles.
Dead fish.
Solving the nail puzzle.
Ken Chisolm and I stayed up and made art with his green laser.
Ken did this one.
I did this one.
Strobing back and forth over a tree in the middle distance.
The camera misinterpreted the color of the coals as bright pink.
My favorite. The laser over coals.
Here the laser cuts a cone through the smoke.
Looking downward through the smoke. It's better in real life, with the turbulence of the smoke frozen by the stop-motion effect of the oscillating laser.
Quickly scanning a grassy field.
David’s Image Gallery