Week 1 with the Orange Patrol. I kept a diary of this week.
Josh Seedig working hard.Jeff Rogers talks about college days.Mr. McMahon works on the flag pole while the Rogerses look on.My Troop Guide Andrew Buzako teaches a class on Knowing and Using the Resources.Mini-bear.Andrew snoozes.My patrol on the rocks above camp.Kickball, yay!A wet, cold fog descended on Wednesday morning.My patrols members, from left: Evan Weis, Robert Hoyt, Scott Aldritch, Ben Johnke, Michael Lohman and Mike Diener.Andrew fell down and it was kind of funny.When the sun finally came out, I had to take a picture.Our campsite.The service project was pretty fun.Here I am, showing off.Staff sets a bad example by throwing rocks at each other.Blue Patrol's cart garage.Jason Radtke jumps over a puddle.Devotional campfire in the barn isn't the same.Most of youth staff.Gold Patrol packs up.The staff sings "Sixpence" to Tanner.I could have sworn that I got all my patrol members in this picture, but Robert is missing.The Great Swami predicts a long trip for Roger Dickinson.Orange patrol at graduation.Mount Audubon right before I left.