I was the Scoutmaster for Big Horn week four, 2007. It was from July 15 until July 21.
Singing at the Echostar training.Mmm... pudding.The Quest for the Meaning of Leadership looks something like this.Scout Show.Scoutmaster parking. Sweet.Friday night.The new barn. It's quite cozy.And Christmasy.Troop guides figure out their GPS receivers.The youth staff.All the staff except Mr. Thompson.ASPL zone.Moving camp.Weather report.Working on skills instruction at a model troop meeting.The Big Horn skunk works.Blue patrol.Red patrol.Silver patrol.Gold patrol.Orange patrol.The adults prepare for the bombardment.Some are more prepared than others.We all got pretty wet.Especially me, when staff dumped a cooler on me.The line for fobs.Heading up top.Some fences aren't made for sitting on.QM area.The view from the campfire stage during a song.Staff camp.The problem solving round robin.A great time was had by all.A green human knot.A parrot that landed on a troop guide's hat.It's always a fiesta at gold patrol!Morning staff member relocation.Patrol Leader's Council.The patrol challenge was to build a tripod and suspend a water bottle.Red patrol won the challenge.Some people's loyalty to their patrol extends to hair color.See the golden-haired ones in the middle.I'm a little teapot.A typical staff member.Silver patrol made this sweet turnstile at the entrance to their camp.The instructors teach a class on valuing people.Getting ready to leave for outpost.So long, Scouts.When the patrols leave, staff gets to work.Outpost campfire.Hans and Franz and another competitor have an eating contest.Sometimes innocent bystanders get hurt.We welcome the patrols back.Father Nature.A prey animal hiding behind a tree.A string of Boy Scout souls.It's a tiring game.The Quest for the Meaning of Leadership.Feast time.Staff feasting.All of staff.The view from the top.The last troop assembly.