I visited Laura October 5–9, 2007. But first, I stopped at Chicago's Chinatown.
The first sight I saw in Chinatown.This is called Nine Dragon Wall.Yep, nine of them.Chinatown Gate. I ran under this during the Chicago Marathon.A guardian lion in front of a Catholic church.The other lion is crushing a little baby lion.Some of the streets have three names.This is Sun Yat-sen Park.In China quality is measured in positive integer multiples of happiness.The father of modern China.W 22nd Pl. is where I had lunch.I ate at Kam Fung on a tip from Wikitravel. I had a nice conversation with the waitress, a recent immigrant.This is how you say "Confucius" in Chinese.Confucius stands on the street named for him.Dragon Gate at Chinatown Square.More lions guard the escalator to the train.Denver's Union Station is better.The first night Laura and I ate at Superdawg.I learned about the restaurant from a TV show.It was a pretty good dog.Laura and Grandma.Me and Grandma.