A long drive cross country to Florida for Christmas.
Odometer at start: 193,640.3.Eastern Colorado.Leaving colorful Colorado.Kansas Welcomes You!Missouri Welcomes You.SAMTSIRHC YRREMThis crack in my windshield was my constant companion. As I made progress on the road, so did it.Illinois state line.Morning.Welcome to Kentucky.Tennessee, The Volunteer State, Welcomes You.Visiting the Sansoms on the way.Welcome to Georgia. We're Glad Georgia's On Your Mind.Tennessee, The Volunteer State, Welcomes You. (Again.)Welcome to Georgia. We're Glad Georgia's On Your Mind. (Again.)Florida, the sunshine state.Kurki wodne!Gator.Turtle.Osprey.Penguin and flamingo.Honest Engine.Schmee's Bee.Thank You For Visiting Florida.Welcome to Georgia. We're Glad Georgia's On Your Mind.Welcome to Sweet Home Alabama.Morning.Welcome to Mississippe, Birthplace of America's Music.Tennessee, The Volunteer State, Welcomes You.Welcome to Arkansas, the Natural State. Buckle Up For Safety.Something about Oklahoma?Morning after snowstorm in north Oklahoma.Kansas Welcomes You!Pretty miserable driving through Kansas.Welcome to Colorful Colorado.Post trip odometer: 197,599.5. This is a little higher than it was right when I arrived, as I forgot to record it until a few days later.