Laura and Steve and Carissa and I went to Deer Creek campground near Bailey March 17–20, 2006. We had corned beef and cabbage, green Rice Krispie treats, and Dutch oven pizza. We found the Kodiak Falls geocache.
Laura chopping wood.
David chopping wood.
Mmm... cinnamon eggs...
Our pretty campsite, before all the snow fell.
Getting ready for our hike.
The other hikers we met on the trail.
Running up the hill, trying to escape the picture.
Hi Steve!
Where is the geocache?
Here it is!
Steve reads the log.
Dutch oven pizza.
Maybe the sun will come out. Quick, eat another orange!
Our pretty campsite, after some snow fell.
Our pretty campsite, after kind of a lot of snow fell.
Laura cooks Creole eggs.