Yoga room at SFO.A moment before, there was an egret in this pond.That one.In the jardín urbano.Atlantic Ocean.Beach ashtrays.Just exiting the hair salon.Ruta de desalojo.Iguana!They were sunbathing in a grassy lot between hotels.Gas priced per liter.Graveyard.Free sorbet at check-in at the VenganzaVergüenzaVerdanza Hotel.In El Yunque forest.Inside of Yohakú Tower.Benchmark on top.Giant bamboo. Must have had a radius of like five inches.La Mina falls.I reverse-photobombed this crowd of dandies.Epiphytes on palm trees at the resort.I learned the Bengali word for this kind of organism: পরগাছা (pôrôgacha), where গাছ (gach) is the word for tree.Flower selfie.Before daybreak.Ghosts.Waiting for the sunrise.Shadow selfie.Broken display.Coast of Florida.