Mark Coleman, Steven Lane and David Fifield go hiking.
Hidden by the truck, David hitchhikes.Steve and David at the trailhead.David on the rocks.We went towards Pancake Rocks.The view from our campsite.Panoramic view from our campsite.David and Mark ready the stove.David takes a picture of Steve taking a picture of David taking a picture of...Mark sleeps by the fire.Pushing over trees.Catching some rays using the wind shield from a Whisperlite stove.Steve climbs rocks.Being lazy by the fire.Steve eating.David's stakeless tent did poorly on the windy mountain.The morning sky, after the rain fly blew off.Steve making muscles.More of Steve's muscles.David walks like an Egyptian.Some people say it looks like I'm smelling my armpit.Mark packs up.At the sign on the way out.The locked tunnel at the trailhead.At the car after our adventure.The obligatory dead fish.Stuck in traffic on the way home.