Visit to Ithaca in May 2022 for a birthday party, Mother's Day, and to perform with the Muse 3000 Quintet.
Pigeon habitat.Muse 3000 at rehearsal.Setting up before the performance, Rusty and Muse 3000 visible.You can't serve two masters, but you can servo a whole lot of percussion.Youth birthday party, with an "Is it cake?" theme by Becca.A bath, dry hippy!These next few were taken by an ingenue.Ducks'n the park.Captain Comic shirt.Hanging baskets and windchimes.I am not normally this blurry, I swear.RATBlossoms on the trees.New England robin redbreast.Some sort of nuclear explosion?Flowers.Dad's home.Bazukiing and playing in the park on Mother's Day.Bunny adventure in the grass.A recently vacated eggshell!And the most amazing thing happened. While we were all sitting there in the park, this great big old tree fell down. Keeerrr-ack-ack.All the neighborhood kids came running.A bird's nest that had been in the tree.Never witnessed a tree fall over naturally like that before.View from the base.'Nother egg.Taking a walk into town.Sidewalk tread inspection.Bleeding hearts.Warp propulsion.Warp 3—Engage!Exploring the shops.No Parking Here To Corner.CGA palette dress!Sunprints we did while we were out.Lonely chair in the gorge.Cornell campus.My pants got chalk on 'em now.Mm, the Greek word for snack is "snak".