I went to Berlin to speak at LinuxTag about Nmap June 23–28, 2009. (More about my talk here.) My dad came with me. We also went to Hamburg for a day to visit the Bienieks.
Diet Coke is called Coke Light in Germany and on Lufthansa.The Frankfurt Airport. At German airports you ride a bus between the plane and the building.Leon Shiman talking about free software in Bolzano, ItalyThe games booth with a FlightGear setup.Lego robots that are afraid of flashlights.There is a subway station named after Uncle Tom's Cabin.Bears in Berlin.I was informed that this is only a conventional, not nuclear, power plant.Rowboaters on the river.In the hotel restaurant.The two suns over Tatooine.I like the street signs in Berlin.The Reichstag by day.Brandenburg Gate.Red man says stop.I don't know what this was about.Giant slug in the park.The Soviet war memorial along the Straße des 17. Juni. Seems weird."TOTE" was written three times in the grass.Before-and-after of the Berlin Wall.Kir Kolyshkin talks about resource management in OpenVZ.Alexander Graf and Jörg Rödel on KVM.A sand sculpture exhibit downtown.Günter Litfin died trying to cross the Berlin Wall.A white-shirted man thinks about jumping into a pond.Dinner at Porta Nova restaurant.Funny horse statue at Berlin Hauptbahnhof.Jean-Paul Saman on VLC.Toilet flushers are these paddles.My dad hacking with the geeks.Ulrich Drepper delivers his keynote on "Of programmers and hardware: transcending the gap."After my talk, with the Nmap German translation team: Dinu Gherman, who translated the Nmap book, and Chris Leick, who translated Zenmap.The Kernel Kwestioning session was way over my head.The hotel was appropriately on "Freedom" street.Now in Hamburg. There was a Harley-Davidson festival going on.Rathaus.Me and Daria and Dad.Neat copper lampposts.Three Davids.My dad and Mirka.Balloons let loose for a wedding.The back of the restaurant where Dawid works.Holy crap there's a lot of construction in Hamburg.A view from the spire of the wrecked St. Nikolai church.St. Michaelis.Lunch.An awesome playground.Harley Days in full swing.At the HSH Nordbank Arena.Daria's birthday party.