Steve and I climbed up Maroon Peak and North Maroon Peak on August 21, 2016. We got stuck and spent a night on the side of the mountain, cutting short our plan to do Pyramid and Capitol in the following days.
Frisco barbeque.Independence Pass."The gullies are death traps."Pika.Camp.Dinner.Stream feeding Crater Lake.Daybreak.Top of Maroon Peak.Maroon Peak, 14,156 ft.The traverse over to North Maroon, unbelievably sketchy.Pulling packs up with rope.North Maroon Peak, 14,014 ft.Cool pattern on the rocks everywhere, looks like fossilized mud.This crack is where we later ended up spending the night.Too dangerous to descend from here.Mountain rescue coming up from the bottom.Long story short, they helped us do a 250-foot rappel down to safety.Squirrel back in camp.Little fawn.Porcupine hairs.There were two moose sitting on the lakeshore and a ranger keeping people away.