My family went to the Sand Dunes with Laura's family June 17—19, 2006. We climbed Blanca Peak and Ellingwood Point with Steven Shea while we were there. We stayed at the Great Sand Dunes Oasis campground, which is full of bugs.
Everyone scrambles for shade.Laura photographs herself.Ryan looking cool.Hack! Cough! Spit!Ryan looking heroic.Ryan looking warriorlike.My shadow in blowing sand grains.Ryan looking agile.David looks to the setting sun.Good morning, 3 AM!Laura crosses the stream.This memorial was by a particularly deadly stretch of road.Cabins at Lake Como.Snack time!Breaking treeline.One of the Blue Lakes.Ice on Crater Lake.Intimidating steepness.Mount Lindsey.Blanca Peak, 14,345 ft. (seventh in a series).A tricky part.The Mato Vega wildfire, which started while we were climbing.Ellingwood Point, 14,042 ft. (eighth in a series).Blanca from Ellingwood.The ridge between Little Bear and Blanca.The chilling descent.Returning home.The scorpion sucker Carissa and Kristen bought for me.It was gross!Zapata Falls.More wildfire pictures.