I left Poland on December 30, 2008, and took the train though Poznań and Berlin to Hamburg, Germany, arriving that evening. I spent my time with the Bieniek family and left for Paris on January 6, 2008.
Berlin Hauptbahnhof.The Reichstag.A street festival.The outside of the Hauptbahnhof. It's like a mall.Hamburger Royal.My bus pass.Glückschwein for new year's.Beefy German fireworks.Me at the lake near the house.Silvester Berliner and Baumkuche.Wojtek with the snacks.The final furious seconds.Smoke from the fireworks.Wreckage the next morning.St. Michaelis church.The bell in the church tower.The view from the top is worth it.Me and Daria.A hot air balloon inexplicably floated.That's Michael the archangel.Buildings in the Speicherstadt."Flussschifferkirche" means "floating church ship."There's that balloon again!David at the HSH Nordbank Arena.A memorial to Uwe Seeler.David bowling at light speed.Geared up for the planetarium show.The star projector.Laser projector.The Kunsthalle.Coke in a wine glass.I solved the puzzle of this painting."Brain jogging," but if you look carefully you'll see that none of those gears can turn.Make my funk the taxi funk.Boats on the Elbe.The ferry.This is where the fish market would be.In the old Elbe tunnel.The happiest letter in the German alphabet.Against twelve houses...I have eight euros.Mirka rubs it in.Ice on the Alster.The outside of the Rathaus.I wonder if Speersort is anything like Shell sort.Chicago is a sister city of Hamburg.S.P.Q.H.Hammonia, the patron goddess of Hamburg.Gott mit uns.The giant dance hall in the Rathaus.A bizarre pre-wedding ritual.The Chile Haus, not known for its chili.The Deichtorhallen.The sign translates as "Park here, loser."My strawberry gummies.The highest graffiti in the world, on the side of an apartment building.A nice walk through the countryside.A family portrait.Zoom!