David Fifield's Scouting CV
This is a summary of what I've done in Scouting.
Current affiliation
Assistant Scoutmaster, Troop 171, Aurora, Colorado.
Youth history
- Tiger Cub.
- Cub Scout and Webelos Scout. Earned Arrow of Light.
- Boy Scout, Troop 171, Aurora, Colorado. Held numerous leadership
positions, including senior patrol leader. Earned Eagle Scout in October
Adult history
- Assistant Scoutmaster, 2000–present.
Camps attended
- Philmont, 2001. Youth partipant.
- Philmont, 2005. Adult advisor.
- Completed Big Horn Junior Leader Training in 1996.
- Staffed Big Horn eight times, 1999–2005 and 2007. Positions
held: instructor, troop guide, junior assistant Scoutmaster, assistant
Scoutmaster, Scoutmaster. Six years were under the JLT syllabus and two
years were under the NYLT syllabus.
- Attended Wood Badge training in 2004 and completed my ticket in
- Centennial District training instructor.
Merit badge counseling
- Backpacking
- Computers
- Music
- Rifle shooting
- Shotgun shooting
Awards (other than rank)
- 50 miler.
- Outstanding volunteer.
- Eagle Scout mentor.