
dnstt is a DNS tunnel that can use DNS over HTTPS (DoH) and DNS over TLS (DoT) resolvers.

A DNS tunnel is one way of circumventing network censorship. A recursive DNS resolver's purpose is to receive packets and forward them somewhere else—in effect, working as a kind of network proxy. DNS tunnels over plaintext UDP are generally considered easy to detect because of the unusual DNS messages they use. However DoH and DoT are encrypted—an outside observer can see that you are communicating with a public resolver, but cannot decrypt the raw DNS messages to see that they embed a tunnel protocol. (The resolver itself can still easily tell that you are using a tunnel.)

A diagram showing a "local app" and "remote app",
       between which direct communication is blocked by a censor,
       communicating by way of a "tunnel client" and "tunnel server",
       with a "public recursive DNS resolver" in the middle.
       The link between the tunnel client and resolver is marked "HTTPS / TLS" and
       the link between the resolver and the tunnel server is marked "UDP".

dnstt uses end-to-end encryption and authentication between the tunnel client and tunnel server by default. Its protocol design enables higher performance than other DNS tunnels.

Idea: DNS-over-HTTP transport, .
Original announcement thread, .

User discussion forum

Last updated: .


git clone https://www.bamsoftware.com/git/dnstt.git

dnstt-20240513.zip (signature, public key)

Online source code browser (gitweb)

The code is written in Go. dnstt is in the public domain.

How to set it up

dnstt doesn't offer a TUN/TAP network interface, or even a SOCKS or HTTP proxy interface, only a netcat-like connection between a local TCP socket and a remote TCP socket. However, it's fairly easy to make the tunnel act like a standard proxy server by running a proxy at the tunnel server.

A DNS tunnel works by having the tunnel server act as an authoritative resolver for a specific domain name. The recursive resolver in the middle acts as a proxy by forwarding queries for that domain to the tunnel server. To set up a DNS tunnel, you need a domain name and a host that can receive UDP packets, where you run the tunnel server. In these instructions, we'll assume the following example setup:

Your domain name example.com
Your server's IPv4 address
Your server's IPv6 address 2001:db8::2

DNS setup

Go into your name registrar's configuration panel and add three records:

A tns.example.com points to
AAAA tns.example.com points to 2001:db8::2
NS t.example.com is managed by tns.example.com

tns.example.com points to the addresses of your tunnel server. It is marked as being the nameserver for everything in the t.example.com DNS zone. When a recursive resolver receives a query for subdomain.t.example.com, it will forward the query to the tunnel server—that is how the client tunnels data to the server.

The "tns" and "t" labels can be anything you want, but the "tns" label should not be a subdomain of the "t" label (everything under that subdomain is reserved for tunnel payloads). The "t" label should be short, because there is limited space available in a DNS message, and the domain name takes up part of it.

Tunnel server setup

tunnel-server$ cd dnstt/dnstt-server
tunnel-server$ go build

First you need to generate private and public keys for the end-to-end tunnel encryption.

tunnel-server$ ./dnstt-server -gen-key -privkey-file server.key -pubkey-file server.pub
privkey written to server.key
pubkey  written to server.pub

Now run the server. is the TCP address to which incoming tunnelled streams will be forwarded ("remote app" in the diagram).

tunnel-server$ ./dnstt-server -udp :5300 -privkey-file server.key t.example.com

The tunnel server needs to be reachable on UDP port 53. You could have it bind to port 53 directly (-udp :53), but that would require you to run the server as root. It's better to run the server on a non-privileged port as shown above, and use port forwarding to forward port 53 to it. On Linux, these commands will forward port 53 to port 5300:

tunnel-server$ sudo iptables -I INPUT -p udp --dport 5300 -j ACCEPT
tunnel-server$ sudo iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -i eth0 -p udp --dport 53 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 5300
tunnel-server$ sudo ip6tables -I INPUT -p udp --dport 5300 -j ACCEPT
tunnel-server$ sudo ip6tables -t nat -I PREROUTING -i eth0 -p udp --dport 53 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 5300

You need something at for the tunnel server to connect to. Down below there are instructions for running a proxy server. For testing purposes, you can use an Ncat listener to print incoming data to the terminal:

tunnel-server$ sudo apt install ncat
tunnel-server$ ncat -l -k -v 8000
Ncat: Version 7.70 ( https://nmap.org/ncat )
Ncat: Listening on

By default, dnstt-server assumes that the recursive resolver supports DNS responses up to a certain size, namely 1232 bytes. If your chosen resolver does not support responses that large (there will be error messages in the server output), you can specify a smaller limit using the -mtu option, for example -mtu 512.

Tunnel client setup

tunnel-client$ cd dnstt/dnstt-client
tunnel-client$ go build

Copy server.pub (the public key file) from the server to the client. You don't need server.key (the private key file) on the client.

Choose a DoH or DoT resolver.

DoH resolvers
DoT resolvers

To use a DoH resolver, use the -doh option:

tunnel-client$ ./dnstt-client -doh https://doh.example/dns-query -pubkey-file server.pub t.example.com

To use a DoT resolver, use -dot:

tunnel-client$ ./dnstt-client -dot dot.example:853 -pubkey-file server.pub t.example.com is the client end of the tunnel ("local app" in the diagram). Anything that connects to that port on the tunnel client will be tunnelled through the public resolver and connected to on the tunnel server. You can test it using an Ncat client. Run this command, and anything you type into the client terminal will appear on the server, and vice versa.

tunnel-client$ ncat -v 7000

How to integrate with a proxy server

dnstt is only a tunnel; it's up to you what you want to connect to it. You can make the tunnel work like an ordinary SOCKS or HTTP proxy by having the tunnel server forward to a standard proxy server. There are many ways to set it up; here are some examples.

Ncat HTTP proxy

For testing, I find it convenient to use Ncat's HTTP proxy server mode. But be aware that Ncat's proxy isn't intended for use by untrusted clients; it won't prevent them from connecting to localhost ports on the tunnel server, for example.

tunnel-server$ ncat -l -k --proxy-type http 8000
tunnel-server$ ./dnstt-server -udp :5300 -privkey-file server.key t.example.com
tunnel-client$ ./dnstt-client -doh https://doh.example/dns-query -pubkey-file server.pub t.example.com

On the client, configure applications to use the local end of the tunnel ( as an HTTP/HTTPS proxy.

tunnel-client$ curl --proxy https://wtfismyip.com/text
A screenshot of the Connection Settings dialog in Firefox 68.7.0esr.
      The "Manual proxy configuration" radio button is selected, with
      "HTTP Proxy:", "Port: 7000", and
      "Use this proxy server for all protocols" checked.

Configuring an HTTP/HTTPS proxy in Firefox 68. Go to Preferences, General, then Network Settings.


OpenSSH has a built-in SOCKS proxy, which makes it easy to add a SOCKS proxy to a server that already has sshd installed.

On the server, make a localhost SSH connection, using the -D option to open a SOCKS listener at port 8000. Then configure the tunnel server to forward incoming connections to port 8000. Have the tunnel client listen on its own local port 7000.

tunnel-server$ ssh -N -D -o NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes
# Enter the password of the local user on tunnel-server
tunnel-server$ ./dnstt-server -udp :5300 -privkey-file server.key t.example.com
tunnel-client$ ./dnstt-client -doh https://doh.example/dns-query -pubkey-file server.pub t.example.com

On the client, configure applications to use the local end of the tunnel ( as a SOCKS proxy.

tunnel-client$ curl --proxy socks5h:// https://wtfismyip.com/text
A screenshot of the Connection Settings dialog in Firefox 68.7.0esr.
      The "Manual proxy configuration" radio button is selected, with
      "SOCKS Host:", "Port: 7000", and
      "SOCKS v5" selected.
      "Proxy DNS when using SOCKS v5" is checked.

Configuring a SOCKS proxy in Firefox 68. Go to Preferences, General, then Network Settings.

The above configuration, by locating the SOCKS client port on the server, makes a SOCKS proxy that can be used by anyone with access to the DNS tunnel. Alternatively, you can make an SSH SOCKS proxy for your own private use, with the SSH connection going through the tunnel and the SOCKS client port being located at the client.

Let's assume you already have the SSH details configured so that you can run ssh tunnel-server on the tunnel client. Make sure AllowTcpForwarding is set to yes (the default value) in sshd_config on the server. Run the tunnel server and have it forward directly to the SSH port.

# sshd is already running at port 22
tunnel-server$ ./dnstt-server -udp :5300 -privkey-file server.key t.example.com

Run the tunnel client with the local listening port at The HostKeyAlias ssh option lets you connect to the SSH server as if it were located at Replace tunnel-server with the hostname or IP address of the SSH server.

tunnel-client$ ./dnstt-client -doh https://doh.example/dns-query -pubkey-file server.pub t.example.com
tunnel-client$ ssh -N -D -o HostKeyAlias=tunnel-server -p 8000

Tor bridge

You can run a Tor bridge on the tunnel server and tunnel the connection to the bridge with dnstt, using dnstt as something like a pluggable transport. The Tor client provides a SOCKS interface that other programs can use.

Have the tunnel server forward to the Tor ORPort:

# tor is already running at port 9001
tunnel-server$ ./dnstt-server -udp :5300 -privkey-file server.key t.example.com

Have the tunnel client open a local listener at Connections to this port will be forwarded to the bridge's ORPort through the tunnel.

tunnel-client$ ./dnstt-client -doh https://doh.example/dns-query -pubkey-file server.pub t.example.com

Add a Bridge line to /etc/tor/torrc (if you use a system Tor), or paste it into Tor Browser. If you use a system Tor, restart the Tor daemon. You can get FINGERPRINT from the file /var/lib/tor/fingerprint on the bridge.


Configure applications to use the Tor SocksPort as a SOCKS proxy. If you use a system Tor, the SocksPort is; if you use Tor Browser, the SocksPort is

tunnel-client$ curl --proxy socks5:// https://wtfismyip.com/text
tunnel-client$ curl --proxy socks5:// https://wtfismyip.com/text

Original post (): How to run Tor Browser through a DoH/DoT tunnel.

Shadowsocks SIP003 plugin

SIP003 is a specification for obfuscation plugins in Shadowsocks. There are proof-of-concept Bash scripts to make dnstt work as a SIP003 plugin, so you can use Shadowsocks through a DNS tunnel. There's a fork of the dnstt code that has these scripts included.

Original post ().


See the protocol page.

The "tt" in dnstt stands for Turbo Tunnel, a design paradigm for circumvention protocols. It just means that embeds a sequencing and reliability layer, independent of the DNS transport.

I made a survey of the protocols of some other DNS tunnels.


See the performance page.


See the security page.


dnstt does not do any traffic shaping or padding, though I tried to design the protocol to support it. It is prudent to assume that an observer can infer that a DNS tunnel is being used, despite DoH or DoT encryption, by looking at traffic metadata features such as packet timing and volume.

The tunnel client and server support an unencrypted -udp mode, which is trivially detectable by a third-party observer using something as simple as a static pattern match. Only the -doh and -dot modes are encrypted and offer any chance of being covert.


Thanks to kcp-go, smux, Noise and its mailing list, the Flynn implementation of Noise, ValdikSS, and net4people/bbs and NTC correspondents. This software was developed under a contract with the Counter-Power Lab at UC Berkeley.

Paul Janiszewski, Carmen Kwan, Shela Qiu, and Cathy Wang developed a prototype integration of uTLS into dnstt. They and Cecylia Bocovich did research on distinguishing DNS tunnel traffic from browser DNS traffic.

Several members of the Cure53 team performed a 15-day security audit of dnstt in February and March 2021. Thanks to Jonathan Rudenberg and Nathan Brown for helping to coordinate fixes to bugs in an upstream dependency found by the audit.