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Starting in or so, I have only published in open access venues. When I have written a paper with coauthors who decided to submit to a venue that is not open access, I have had my name removed from the paper or anonymized, and those publications are not represented here.
@inproceedings{Wallbleed2025, author = {Shencha Fan and Jackson Sippe and Sakamoto San and Jade Sheffey and David Fifield and Amir Houmansadr and Elson Wedwards and Eric Wustrow}, title = {{Wallbleed}: A Memory Disclosure Vulnerability in the {Great Firewall of China}}, booktitle = {Network and Distributed System Security}, publisher = {The Internet Society}, year = 2025, url = {}, }
@article{Sansom2024a, title = {Epic Rhythm: Metrical Shapes in {Greek} Hexameter}, author = {Stephen A. Sansom and David Fifield}, journal = {Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies}, volume = 64, number = 3, year = 2024, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{Bocovich2024a, author = {Cecylia Bocovich and Arlo Breault and David Fifield and Serene and Xiaokang Wang}, title = {{Snowflake}, a censorship circumvention system using temporary {WebRTC} proxies}, booktitle = {USENIX Security Symposium}, publisher = {USENIX}, year = 2024, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{Ramesh2023a, author = {Reethika Ramesh and Sundara Raman, Ram and Apurva Virkud and Alexandra Dirksen and Armin Huremagic and David Fifield and Dirk Rodenburg and Rod Hynes and Doug Madory and Roya Ensafi}, title = {Network Responses to {Russia's} Invasion of {Ukraine} in 2022: A Cautionary Tale for {Internet} Freedom}, booktitle = {USENIX Security Symposium}, publisher = {USENIX}, year = 2023, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{Fifield2023a, author = {David Fifield and Linus Nordberg}, title = {Running a high-performance pluggable transports {Tor} bridge}, booktitle = {Free and Open Communications on the Internet}, year = 2023, url = {}, }
@article{Sansom2023a, title = {{SEDES}: Metrical Position in {Greek} Hexameter}, author = {Stephen A. Sansom and David Fifield}, journal = {Digital Humanities Quarterly}, volume = 17, number = 2, year = 2023, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{Fifield2020a, title = {{Turbo Tunnel}, a good way to design censorship circumvention protocols}, author = {David Fifield}, booktitle = {Free and Open Communications on the Internet}, publisher = {USENIX}, year = 2020, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{Fifield2020b, title = {A better zip bomb}, author = {David Fifield}, booktitle = {Workshop on Offensive Technologies}, publisher = {USENIX}, year = 2020, url = {}, }
@article{Lee2017a, title = {A Usability Evaluation of {Tor Launcher}}, author = {Linda Lee and David Fifield and Nathan Malkin and Ganesh Iyer and Serge Egelman and David Wagner}, journal = {Privacy Enhancing Technologies}, publisher = {De Gruyter Open}, volume = 2017, number = 3, year = 2017, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{Fifield2016a, title = {Censors' Delay in Blocking Circumvention Proxies}, author = {David Fifield and Lynn Tsai}, booktitle = {Free and Open Communications on the Internet}, publisher = {USENIX}, year = 2016, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{Khattak2016b, title = {Do You See What {I} See? Differential Treatment of Anonymous Users}, author = {Sheharbano Khattak and David Fifield and Sadia Afroz and Mobin Javed and Srikanth Sundaresan and Vern Paxson and Steven J. Murdoch and Damon McCoy}, booktitle = {Network and Distributed System Security}, publisher = {The Internet Society}, year = 2016, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{Ensafi2015b, title = {Examining How the {Great Firewall} Discovers Hidden Circumvention Servers}, author = {Roya Ensafi and David Fifield and Philipp Winter and Nick Feamster and Nicholas Weaver and Vern Paxson}, booktitle = {Internet Measurement Conference}, publisher = {ACM}, year = 2015, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{Fifield2015c, title = {Remote Operating System Classification over {IPv6}}, author = {David Fifield and Alexandru Geana and Luis MartinGarcia and Mathias Morbitzer and J. D. Tygar}, booktitle = {Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Security}, publisher = {ACM}, year = 2015, url = {}, }
@article{Fifield2015a, title = {Blocking-resistant communication through domain fronting}, author = {David Fifield and Chang Lan and Rod Hynes and Percy Wegmann and Vern Paxson}, journal = {Privacy Enhancing Technologies}, publisher = {De Gruyter Open}, volume = 2015, number = 2, year = 2015, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{Fifield2015b, title = {Fingerprinting web users through font metrics}, author = {David Fifield and Serge Egelman}, booktitle = {Financial Cryptography and Data Security}, publisher = {International Financial Cryptography Association}, year = 2015, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{Fifield2013a, title = {{OSS}: Using Online Scanning Services for Censorship Circumvention}, author = {David Fifield and Gabi Nakibly and Dan Boneh}, booktitle = {Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium}, publisher = {Springer}, year = 2013, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{Fifield2012a, title = {Evading Censorship with Browser-Based Proxies}, author = {David Fifield and Nate Hardison and Jonathan Ellithorpe and Emily Stark and Roger Dingledine and Phil Porras and Dan Boneh}, booktitle = {Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium}, publisher = {Springer}, year = 2012, url = {}, }
@misc{cryptoeprint:2023/1362, title = {Comments on certain past cryptographic flaws affecting fully encrypted censorship circumvention protocols}, author = {David Fifield}, howpublished = {Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2023/1362}, year = 2023, url = {}, }
@misc{gfw_esni_blocking, title = {Exposing and Circumventing {China}'s Censorship of {ESNI}}, author = {Kevin Bock and iyouport and Anonymous and Louis-Henri Merino and David Fifield and Amir Houmansadr and Dave Levin}, year = 2020, url = {}, }
@misc{gfw_shadowsocks, title = {How {China} Detects and Blocks {Shadowsocks}}, author = {Anonymous and Anonymous and Anonymous and David Fifield and Amir Houmansadr}, year = 2019, url = {}, }
@misc{sniproxy, title = {{SNI} proxies}, author = {David Fifield and Jiang Jian and Paul Pearce}, year = 2016, url = {}, }
@article{arxiv.1605.08805, title = {Fingerprintability of {WebRTC}}, author = {David Fifield and Gil Epner, Mia}, journal = {CoRR}, volume = {abs/1605.08805}, year = 2016, url = {}, }
@article{arxiv.1503.07613, title = {Unsupervised authorship attribution}, author = {David Fifield and Torbjørn Follan and Emil Lunde}, journal = {CoRR}, volume = {abs/1503.07613}, year = 2015, url = {}, }
@incollection{NmapNetworkScanning-Zenmap, title = {{Zenmap} {GUI} Users' Guide}, author = {David Fifield}, booktitle = {{Nmap} Network Scanning}, publisher = {Insecure.Com LLC}, year = 2008, url = {}, }
Doctor of Philosophy in computer science.
University of California, Berkeley. .
Threat modeling and circumvention of Internet censorship.
Master of Science in theoretical computer science.
Stanford University. .
Bachelor of Science in computer science and mathematics.
Metropolitan State College of Denver. .
Nmap, network security scanner. Co-maintainer and a primary developer –. Developer and inventor of various network scanning enhancements. Manager of interns over five instances of Google Summer of Code.
Flash proxy, censorship circumvention system.
meek, censorship circumvention system.
Snowflake, censorship circumvention system.
dnstt, circumvention-oriented high-performance DNS tunnel.
goptlib, pluggable transports support library, a component of many pluggable transport implementations.
SEDES, computer-aided analysis of Greek hexameter texts.
2017–: Managing the net4people/bbs forum for discussion of censorship circumvention.
As with writing, I review only for open access venues.
Speaker of English (darn well), Spanish (somewhat less well), and Polish (somewhat less well).